Our Autumn 2024 Main Grant round saw yet another fantastic set of applications and we’re thrilled to announce a huge £43,000 worth of funding for 21 marine conservation and education projects throughout the UK. There’s a strong emphasis on research and educational engagement this season, with projects ranging from promoting sustainable fishing practices and mariner well-being, to inspiring our next generation of marine scientists. Here’s a peek at just a sub-set of the exciting initiatives we’re supporting:
Direct Action Projects
Our grant to Brent Lodge Bird and Wildlife Trust will help to build species-specific enclosures for gulls and water birds to reduce the spread of bird flu and help address the increasing demand for wildlife rehabilitation facilities.
Research Projects
In Falmouth, Clean Ocean Sailing will be monitoring microplastic pollution in the Fal River. Volunteers and Exeter University students will gather data on major sources of microplastics and map abandoned fibreglass boats for cleanup efforts.
Blue Hope Alliance is leveraging citizen science to protect maerl beds, Scotland’s endangered ‘barrier reef’. Funding for high-quality cameras and fixed quadrats will standardise data collection, allowing more volunteers to monitor negative impacts and strengthen conservation efforts.
In Dorset, Friends of Castle Cove Beach will use our funding to extend summer water quality testing to a year-round schedule and raise awareness of its importance.
The Cetacean Research & Rescue Unit (CRRU) are using their grant to research the seasonal distribution and migration pattern of minke whales along the coastline of outer Moray Firth. This interesting project will secure evidence to inform adaptive management processes for the Southern Trench Marine Protected Area (MPA) ensuring long-term protection of this beautiful species.
Engagement Projects
D&G Eco Warriors plan to run free beach schools along the Dumfries and Galloway coastline, offering activities like rock pooling, beach art, and survival skills to educate families about plastic pollution and reconnect with nature. Funding will cover essential equipment and storage, and support plans for a camp-over experience.
We successfully funded the Under The Trees Ltd Scottish marine project earlier this year and are delighted to now support the geographical expansion of their marine education program. It will encourage even more people outdoors for learning and engagement in their natural environments via their ‘Ocean Explorers’ workshops.
Lyme Bay Fisherman’s CIC will be creating a How-to-Guide for Grassroots Coastal Community Organisations to empower the inshore fishing fleet and coastal groups across the UK. Funding will develop a dedicated webpage, resource library, and community meetings to address local challenges, promote sustainability, and improve well-being among these key marine stakeholders.
The Darwin Centre project, Glowing Plastic Detectives, will engage pupils in hands-on investigations of macro and microplastic pollution. Pupils will collect data and analyse it using fluorescent tagging before conducting a beach clean. Similarly, STEM@Education Connect will use funds to further inspire budding young scientists from seven Warrington High Schools, giving them hands-on scientific experience as they investigate increases to marine plastics around Anglesey.
The Beach Conservation Project from Alba Explorers, aims to inspire the next generation of marine environment stewardship by running field trips teaching the impact of coastal erosion, beach pollution, and exploring marine habitats.
Sea-Changers' funding for Durham Wildlife Trust will support training for over 150 community volunteers to identify and record marine mammals such as dolphins, porpoises, whales, and seals in key local coastal sites, with the long-term aim of collecting data for marine mammal conservation.
A huge thank you to our supporters, partners and donors whose generosity make these grants possible. We can’t wait to see how these important projects progress over the coming months, so stay tuned for updates!