With the support of our partners and supporters we're achieving a huge amount for the UK's oceans
We are a UK marine conservation charity, managed by a small team of volunteers who love the UK's seas, shores and wildlife.
We give grants to UK marine charities and non-profits for conservation and research projects.
We work with businesses and individuals to raise funds via bespoke corporate partnerships, online giving, eBay auctions, sponsored events and individual donations.

Our seas are in jeopardy
The projects we fund address some of the most pressing threats to our seas, recognising that over 90% of the world's plants and animals rely on these ecosystems, with more than 2.5 billion people depending on fish for at least 20% of their protein intake, and over 200 million jobs tied to fisheries.
Unsustainable fishing
The world's fisheries are becoming fully exploited or overfished.
But billions of unwanted fish and other animals are dying needlessly each year.
Climate change
Marine plants produce at least 50% of the oxygen in our atmosphere and the oceans absorb at third of the carbon dioxide.
Rising sea temperatures inhibit the ocean's ability to regulate our climate.
Our seas are being polluted by agriculture, shipping, oil rigs, tourism and factories.
Discarded plastic kills thousands of mammals, birds and fish that become entangled in it or mistake it for food.